English for Banking, Accountancy and Finance


English for Specific Purposes

English for Banking, Accountancy and Finance


   1. Money, Income & Expenses, Buying and Selling
   2. The Financial Industry – An Overview
   3. Personal Finance
   4. Public Finance
   5. Business Finance
   6. Economic Theories
   7. Inflation
   8. Redundancy & Unemployment
   9. Latest Economic and Financial News (various newspaper, magazine and online articles and publications)
  10. Proverbs, Sayings & Quotations to do with Money


   1. Accounting Assumptions & Principles
   2. Accounting Policies & Standards, GAAP
   3. Accounting vs Accountancy vs Bookkeeping
   4. Auditing
   5. AGMs – Annual General Meetings
   6. Company Law: Types of Company & Liability
   7. Cost Accounting
   8. Bankruptcy
   9. Depreciation vs Depletion vs Amortization
  10. Earnings & Dividends
  11. Financial Accounting vs Managerial Accounting
  12. Financial Ratios: Liquiduty, Solvency, Profitability & Leverage
  13. Internal & External Auditing
  14. Performance Appraisal
  15. Planning & Budgeting
  16. Pricing Strategies
  17. The Balance Sheet: Assets, Liabilities & Shareholders’ Equity
  18. The Cash Flow Statement
  19. The Profit & Loss Statement
  20. Valuation & Depreciation Systems


   1. Active & Passive Investment
   2. Allocating & Diversifying Assets
   3. Asset Management
   4. Avalising
   5. Balance of Payments
   6. Balance Sheet Basics
   7. Bank Analysis and Auditing
   8. Banking – A Historical Perspective
   9. Banking Departments
  10. Banking Services, Products and Procedures
  11. Bills of Exchange
  12. Buying & Selling Shares
  13. Cash Flow Management
  14. Capital Markets
  15. Categories of Stocks & Shares
  16. Central Banking Activities
  17. Central Banks & Clearing Houses
  18. Commercial Banking
  19. Commodity Futures
  20. Common Abbreviations in Trade Finance
  21. Common Banking Abbreviations
  22. Comparing Investment Returns
  23. Corporate Finance
  24. Correspondent Banking
  25. Credit, Loans, Mortgages & Risks
  26. Debt Management
  27. Derivatives: Options
  28. Derivatives: Warrants & Swaps
  29. Describing Financial Indicators
  30. Describing Graphs, Charts & Trends
  31. Development Banks
  32. Discounted Cash Flows
  33. Dividends & Capital Gains
  34. Documentary Credits
  35. Documentary Letters of Credit
  36. E-Banking
  37. Exchange Rates
  38. Financial Futures
  39. Financial Institutions & Specialized Banks
  40. Financial Performance
  41. Financial Planning
  42. Financial Regulation & Supervision
  43. Financing New Investments
  44. Fiscal Policy
  45. FOREX Terms
  46. Giving Presentations
  47. Hedge Funds
  48. Incoterms
  49. Insurance
  50. Inter-bank Business
  51. International Banking Products
  52. International Trade Finance
  53. Investment Banking
  54. Investment Options and the Securities Market
  55. Islamic Banking
  56. Issuing New Stock
  57. Leasing & Factoring
  58. Leverage, Short-Selling & Arbitrage
  59. Leveraged Buyouts, Conglomerates & Raiders
  60. Macro and Microeconomic Indicators
  61. Mergers & Acquisitions
  62. Monetarism
  63. Monetary Policy
  64. Money Idioms
  65. Money Market: Common Instruments
  66. Money Supply & Control
  67. Mutual Funds
  68. Ordinary & Preference Shares / Common &  Preferred Stock
  69. Personal & Retail Banking
  70. Predicting/Forecasting Share Prices: Theories
  71. Raising Capital: Sources and Uses of Funds, Short-Term & Long-Term Finance
  72. Shareholders, Investors & Speculators
  73. Stock Exchange Activities
  74. Stocks & Shares: Going Public
  75. Structures Products
  76. Taxation, Direct & Indirect Taxes, Tariffs & Excise Duties
  77. The Balance Sheet
  78. The Bank of England
  79. The Banking Environment
  80. The Dealing Room Language & Terminology
  81. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  82. The Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)
  83. The Federal Reserve System
  84. The History of the European Monetary System
  85. The History of the FOREX Market
  86. The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  87. The Language of Financial Headlines
  88. The Language of Movements & Trends (verbs of change)
  89. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
  90. The Stock Exchange & Its Terminology
  91. The World Bank
  92. Trading Risks in International Banks
  93. Tricky Situations in Banking
  94. Types of Accounts
  95. Types of Bank & Banking
  96. Types of Bonds
  97. Types of Stocks & Shares
  98. Unusual Expressions in Accounting
  99. Unusual Expressions in Banking
 100. Venture Capital

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