ArchiveNovember 2008

WHO is WHO in TESOL, CALL & Corpus Lingustics


Mark Davies Searchable Online Corpora Scott Thornbury A Dictionary of ELT Terms, Grammar, Discourse Analysis Ted Power Downloadable and printable worksheets & practical advice Jane & Dave Willis – Task-Based Learning – sample lesson plans Jack C. Richards Second Language Teaching, Error Analysis, Curriculum Development, Applied Linguistics Gavin Dudeney CALL, Second Life Susan...

What Learning Styles are There?


Here is a summary of Keng-Soon Soo’s article “Theory and Research: Learning Styles, Motivation, and the CALL Classroom”, published in Call Environments: Research, Practice and Critical Issues (1999) edited by Egbert & Hanson-Smith (There is a newer 2007 edition of this text available) Learning style refers to how students approach learning, not to how well they learn. (p...

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