Three Generations of Distance Learning Pedagogy
Three Generations of Distance Learning Pedagogy
1. Cognitive Behaviourism
2. Constructivism
3. Connectivism
Online Language Lessons – Idea Bank
It looks like more and more language teaching is being done on the web. Let me summarize what online language teachers have on offer, what they do or could do in theory. I will list several examples from Curtis J. Bonk & Ke Zhang’s (2008) Empowering Online Learning, pp. 62-63. Types of resources & activities for online language learners online flashcards electronic dictionaries...
The 4 Types of Multilevel Class Activities
Heather McKay & Abigail Tom (1999, CUP, Teaching Adult Second Language Learners, pp. 21-22) suggest teachers differentiate among four types of mixed-ability activity. Unless the text is in quotation marks, it is my own interpretation. same input, same task What is different in this situation is the level of your students’ language proficiency. What makes it possible for the students to...
Is Studying 1-to-1 Pairwork?
Does studying 1-to-1 qualify as pairwork? And is it necessarily teacher-centered and bad? Anyone?
Interactivity & The 5 Ts that Make it Fail
Ian Forsyth (Teaching & Learning Materials & The Internet, 3rd edition, p. 135) defines interactivity as
emulating the traditional classroom
He lists the 5 Ts that cause interactivity to fail on the Internet (pp. 19 -23)
technology timid
territoriality on topics
truss – an infrastructure requirement
Digital Storytelling
A digital story is a personal experience represented in narrative format. The script is amplified by including video, music, still-frame imagery, and the author’s voice. A digital story typically lasts for two to three minutes. Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools p. 43 It must take ages to create such a story, but the idea is interesting anyways. I imagine the teacher has to provide a lot of...
What Learning Styles are There?
Here is a summary of Keng-Soon Soo’s article “Theory and Research: Learning Styles, Motivation, and the CALL Classroom”, published in Call Environments: Research, Practice and Critical Issues (1999) edited by Egbert & Hanson-Smith (There is a newer 2007 edition of this text available) Learning style refers to how students approach learning, not to how well they learn. (p...
Collaborative Editing Online: Available Tools
It is not only wikis and blogs that you can use collaboratively online. Now it is possible to create graphs and charts together, as well as regular text documents and tables. What you Need Tool to Adopt a graph or a chart Gliffy an online word processor and a spreadsheet application in one; you need to embed images and/or share a video GoogleDocs an online word processor compatible with Opera...
Collaborative Learning Online: Principles and Guidelines
Quintessentially, in order for a collaborative task to succeed it is necessary to provide for the following: 1. The students in a group must perceive that they “sink or swim” together, that each member is responsible to and dependent on all the others, and that one cannot succeed unless everyone in the group succeeds. (I wonder how that can be reinforced in a real classroom setting...