Three Generations of Distance Learning Pedagogy
Three Generations of Distance Learning Pedagogy
1. Cognitive Behaviourism
2. Constructivism
3. Connectivism
The 14 Categories of Language Use
RIvers & Temperly (A Practical Guide to the Teaching of English, OUP, 1978, p. 47) list 14 purposes or categories of language use establishing and maintaining social relations expressing one’s reactions hiding one’s intentions talking one’s way out of trouble seeking & giving information learning or teaching others to do or make something conversing over the telephone...
A Multimedia Resource for Language Learning
I have been racking my brains over the past few weeks in vain. I am incapable of thinking of a proper topic myself and that prevents me from starting work on the assignment which reads as follows This assignment consists of two interrelated parts: A multimedia resource for language learning for classroom or self-access use. An accompanying rationale. A multimedia resource You should create a...
Pair & Groupwork vs Teacher-Student Interaction
According to Mckay & Tom (Teaching Adult Second Language Learners, CUP, 1999, p. 26), working in groups helps students feel they are part of a community. They come to know each other as individuals & friends Pair- and groupwork serves an important pedagogical purpose, because it provides more opportunities for individuals to talk than does a teacher-fronted class, as well as less formal...
Online Language Lessons – Idea Bank
It looks like more and more language teaching is being done on the web. Let me summarize what online language teachers have on offer, what they do or could do in theory. I will list several examples from Curtis J. Bonk & Ke Zhang’s (2008) Empowering Online Learning, pp. 62-63. Types of resources & activities for online language learners online flashcards electronic dictionaries...
The 4 Types of Multilevel Class Activities
Heather McKay & Abigail Tom (1999, CUP, Teaching Adult Second Language Learners, pp. 21-22) suggest teachers differentiate among four types of mixed-ability activity. Unless the text is in quotation marks, it is my own interpretation. same input, same task What is different in this situation is the level of your students’ language proficiency. What makes it possible for the students to...
Interactivity & The 5 Ts that Make it Fail
Ian Forsyth (Teaching & Learning Materials & The Internet, 3rd edition, p. 135) defines interactivity as
emulating the traditional classroom
He lists the 5 Ts that cause interactivity to fail on the Internet (pp. 19 -23)
technology timid
territoriality on topics
truss – an infrastructure requirement
E-Courseware Design: Issues
Let me list some of the topical issues that keep emerging and need to be addressed asap. usability – what I mean here is all the extra clicks that either my students or I make, which takes time. Distributing courseware in space often results in learners’ having to spend more time online than they would otherwise have, and that should be avoided. feedback – it is not enough to...
How Long Should One Online Language Lesson Last?
To begin with, I am not aware of any reliable statistics. I can only draw on my personal experience and summarize a number of related Google search results. It is obvious, I hope, that it is impossible to spend more than 3 clock hours talking without a break. I guess that’s the maximum. As for the minimum, an online lesson can be as long as a regular phone call, i.e. it can last for as...