
Pronunciation Insights – Aunt, adult, pajamas: Why can’t we agree how to pronounce common words?


QUOTE  Aunt, adult, pajamas: Why can’t we agree how to pronounce common words? Call it the problem of toilet-paper-roll words By James Harbeck | February 10, 2014 How do you pronounce each of the following words? And is there another correct way to pronounce them? adult, address, almond, amen, arctic, aunt, banal, Caribbean, diabetes, either, envelope, harassment, herb, homage, mayonnaise...

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Three Generations of Distance Learning Pedagogy


Three Generations of Distance Learning Pedagogy

1. Cognitive Behaviourism
2. Constructivism
3. Connectivism

Bilingualism: Facts & Stats


Source: The Bilingual Family: A Handbook For Parents by Edith Harding & Philip Riley, 1999, CUP. Over half of the world’s population is bilingual. This fact is usually surprising to many Europeans, who are under the impression that living with two or more languages is exceptional. (p. 27) What matters and what doesn’t in second language acquisition? Singleton’s survey (1983...

A Super-Duper Book on Accents & L1 Dependent Mistakes


I came across this book quite by chance. The title of the book – Learner English by M- Swan & B. Smith – has little to do with the contents at first sight (I did not expect to find detailed analyses of different languages in it as well as pragmatic lists of difficulties that learners tend to have depending on their first language), and yet it is the book to read if you are into...

What a mix!


I am teaching elementaries this year – this is very unlike me for I find this level somewhat tedious to teach.  To make matters worse, instead of two nationalities, I’ve got four – it is a real challenge, for I do understand what sort of problems Russians and Estonians might encounter in terms vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation, but I am at a loss when it comes to...

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