Teachers’ Digital Toolkit
International online learning projects for students ThinkQuest Online tools for resource creation Animoto Create videos from images Benettonplay Create stunning animations Classtools.net Create educational games Gliffy Create floor plans, flowcharts and 3D diagrams Glogster EDU Create interactive multimedia posters Kerpoof Create movies and stories Mixbook Create a page turning e-book...
Three Generations of Distance Learning Pedagogy
Three Generations of Distance Learning Pedagogy
1. Cognitive Behaviourism
2. Constructivism
3. Connectivism
Educational Technology – Web-Resources: Theory & Tools
Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching & Technology
Javascript Thumbnail Viewer
DimDim – A Web-Conferencing Solution
More about Moodle
A code from answers.com which allows you to gloss an entire text.
Currently used on the NY Times website, Available at:
Digital Storytelling
A digital story is a personal experience represented in narrative format. The script is amplified by including video, music, still-frame imagery, and the author’s voice. A digital story typically lasts for two to three minutes. Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools p. 43 It must take ages to create such a story, but the idea is interesting anyways. I imagine the teacher has to provide a lot of...
To SEO or Not to SEO? Are blogs really doomed?
Bought a copy of issue 183 of the Practical Web Design Magazine after work today and flicked through it on the bus home. It’s very interesting indeed to see that there are as many suppoters of SEO as there are opponents to it. It’s actually the first time I’ve heard about someone who has gone as far as to create his own human-powered search engine that won’t give SEO...
Is Teaching & Learning PURELY WEB 2.0-wise a Must?
| View | Upload your own A nice basic summary (in somewhat broken Russian, but that is not an issue, the content offsets this minor drawback) with a lot of unstated assumptions, though. The basic supposition is that the learners MUST do everything online, and the question that is unanswered is WHY they have to do so. What is the main reason for doing whatever task entirely online either solo or...
Collaborative Editing Online: Available Tools
It is not only wikis and blogs that you can use collaboratively online. Now it is possible to create graphs and charts together, as well as regular text documents and tables. What you Need Tool to Adopt a graph or a chart Gliffy an online word processor and a spreadsheet application in one; you need to embed images and/or share a video GoogleDocs an online word processor compatible with Opera...