Have got a copy of Eleanor L. Criswell’s Design of Computer-Based Instruction at last. Here are some important although slightly dated stats People read about 25 per cent faster from text pages than they do from computer displays (Gould et al, 1987, cited by E.L. Criswell 1989, p. 83) In the late 1980s that might have been the case, but now the computer display has evolved and the stats are...
Is Teaching & Learning PURELY WEB 2.0-wise a Must?
| View | Upload your own A nice basic summary (in somewhat broken Russian, but that is not an issue, the content offsets this minor drawback) with a lot of unstated assumptions, though. The basic supposition is that the learners MUST do everything online, and the question that is unanswered is WHY they have to do so. What is the main reason for doing whatever task entirely online either solo or...
Web 2.0 in Education: Affordances
NB! Web 2.0 properties are moulded by user perceptions. The notion of the learner-context interface (Language Learning in Distance Education by Cynthia White, p 86, etc CLTL) places the individual learner’s capacity to construct an effective interface with target language* (TL) sources in the learning environment at the centre of distance education. * I guess any subject area could be...
Designing Multiple Choice Tests (validity, reliability, etc)
Here is a nice article on designing multiple choice tests
How can you tell whether a graphic will support or disrupt learning?
That’s one of the questions I had never asked myself before I started reading extensively on the topic of using visuals in e-learning. I used to think that it was always good to have a picture or a diagram next to any text, and it was the cost and creativity required that prevented me from uploading hundreds of graphs and photos to accompany everything I wrote. Now things have changed: it...
E-Moderating vs E-Learning Management by Objectives
I am gripped by the book I am reading now – it is unbelievable how much more advanced DL & VLE use is in some countries. They have been doing what I am just considering trying since the ’90s! The more I learn about TESOL & CMI, the more I tend to believe in the managerial nature of both. More than that, there is a clear need for some MBO (management by objectives), ie you...