CategoryEducational Technology

Structure of Human Development: Implications for Instructional Design


Piaget (1964) cited by E. L. Criswell (1989, pp. 35-36) developed the theory that children grow intellectually in stages: From years 0 to 2, children explore their tiny environments, and through physical exploration, learn that objects exist and do not change from day to day. This is the sensorimotor stage. This is a period of motor action. The way I see it, the time can be successfully used for...

Digital Storytelling


A digital story is a personal experience represented in narrative format. The script is amplified by including video, music, still-frame imagery, and the author’s voice. A digital story typically lasts for two to three minutes. Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools p. 43 It must take ages to create such a story, but the idea is interesting anyways. I imagine the teacher has to provide a lot of...

Reading From a Computer Display


Have got a copy of Eleanor L. Criswell’s Design of Computer-Based Instruction at last. Here are some important although slightly dated stats People read about 25 per cent faster from text pages than they do from computer displays (Gould et al, 1987, cited by E.L. Criswell 1989, p. 83) In the late 1980s that might have been the case, but now the computer display has evolved and the stats are...

Blended Learning in EFL


blended learning = F2F instruction & paper-based manuals + tutored self-study using a range of educational technologies* * may include one or more of the following web-based learning modules in a VLE (virtual learning environment) CD-ROMs (e.g. electronic dictionaries, interactive quizzes, tutorials, etc) interactive whiteboards discussion boards / fora text and voice chats email wikis blogs...

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